
One of the aims of Mental Space Academy India is to be a veritable space of resources and information about Mental Space Psychology. One can begin learning about this fascinating field right from where they are now. 

MSAI on the Internet

Society of Mental Space Psychology

The Society of Mental Space psychology aims to establish MSP in mainstream consciousness, through in-depth research which meets world-class, institutional criteria. A cutting-edge field like MSP brings quick and impactful changes in people’s lives. This work requires funding to thrive. 

Donations are accepted here – 

Social Links for International Page of Mental Space Psychology

Social Link Of SOMSP

For information regarding news, in-depth articles, a regular newsletter, information about the global presence of mental space

Mental Space Psychology

In the interest of worldwide availability of quality teachings, Dr. Lucas Derks’ video course Mental Space Atlas was released in 2018. 

From Vimeo – ‘(the course)…covers the whole range from the history of this new psychological paradigm up to the future use in psychotherapy and psychiatry. It aims at an audience with a professional interest, psychologist, linguist, researchers and practitioners of various forms of psychotherapy.

Lucas Derks teaches in his comprehensive, amusing and expressive manner. The 13 modules include 3 demonstrations of multi-modal spatial psychotherapy and also the 2014 documentary “Mental Space Psychology” that gives a voice to a variety of people that make use of spatial interventions. The total length of the video material in this course is 9 hours and 32 minutes.’ 

Mental Space Atlas is available for hire at 60 USD, to stream on all devices for 30 days. You can buy and download the course for a sum-total of 90 USD. 


The Society of Mental Space Psychology has an online store to be accessed here –  

Until date, three important works of study have been translated to English, as follows (Non-affiliated links)

Mental-Space-Psychology (1)

Mental Space Psychology

Insights in Space


Dr. Bhavana Nissima interviewing Dr. Lucas Derks

Depression in Mental Space

Depression is on the rise in India. Dr. Bhavana Nissima (Founder of MSAI) interviews Dr. Lucas Derks on the research behind his methods of treatment for depression with no discernible cause.

Deeper into Mental Space

Some fundamental questions about the fresh paradigm in psychology. An informative and fun interview.


Alien Lessons by Lucas Derks

Expanding the Neuro in NLP by Derks & Sinclair (English)

Identify 1 (I’m Not Me) by Lucas Derks (English)